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    A work marathon outside the box

    The concept is simple: You split a complex task and give it to several teams of experts from different sectors. Startups and innovative initiatives act as catalysts in this process, offering a fresh perspective and a new approach. The goal is to find fast solutions on the spot. The participants are expected to produce tangible results or even a prototype.

    Vision with action can change the world.


    The first hackathon in the KTM Motohall really felt like a work marathon and went on for three days. It was organised in cooperation with Rosenbauer AG and Raiffeisenlandesbank OÖ. During these three days, synergies were created and several ideas were developed – from starting your motorcycle by voice, using an assistance system to find the best spot for the fire engine when responding to an emergency to providing training sessions via AR or paying at the petrol station without having to get out of the car.

    At the end of the hackathon, the teams pitched their results to a top-level jury consisting of representatives from the three companies. The jury then chose eight startups with whom we will continue to collaborate. “It was remarkable to see how practical solutions were found in this competitive environment with a solution-oriented approach.”, Mag. Viktor Sigl, MBA (CFO KTM AG) summed up. “This competitive approach suits our style as a racing brand.”

    Previous Project: KTM INNO CAMP